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花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激

2023-09-24 11:06:34 | 114花卉网

今天,114花卉网小编为关注花卉种植的同学们准备了花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激,下面一起来看一下吧。

花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激



读法:英 ['gɑːd(ə)n]  美 ['ɡɑrdn]

释义: 114花卉网

1、n. 花园;菜园

2、vt. 栽培花木

3、vi. 从事园艺;在园中种植

4、n. (Garden)人名;(英、意、巴基)加登


1、And he would take me when I was a kid to basketball games at Madison Square Garden.


2、He talks to himself, he plants a garden, he takes a stroll in the garden in the cool of the evening.




读法:英 ['ɡɑːdənə]  美 ['gɑrdənɚ]


1、n. 园丁;花匠;园艺家

2、n. (Gardener)人名;(英)加德纳


1、The Gardener园丁集

2、Nuala Gardener加德纳

3、Head Gardener主管园丁

4、Palm Gardener手掌园丁

5、Constant Gardener不朽的园丁

花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激


Sharing knowledge is essential for success
Onings Holland is a long known exporter of bulbs and tubers. The Onings family business was established over 60 years ago and enjoys a strong reputation for quality and reliability. Besides being a top supplier of lily bulbs, Onings Holland is also a valued supplier of other bulbs and tubers such as tulips, irises, freesias, hyacinths, gladioli and a wide range of miscellaneous bulbs for both growers as well as dry sale purposes.

The start of a quality product:
We source our bulbs from carefully selected growers from around the world. Before the product finds its way to our customers in over 50 countries strict quality control and field inspections are made at all growing locations world wide.
We closely monitor the conditions at each growing location and regularly discuss with each grower how to reach the best results.
At time of harvest, all bulb lots are checked by a strict quality control system at our facilities. Our experts make a detailed quality report that includes the ELISA test.
By knowing the details of each lot, we are able to ship the right bulbs to the right place.

Sharing of knowledge;
By maintaining a close relation with all major breeding companies in Holland we are well informed of new introductions and the characteristics of each new variety. The success of a newly hybridized variety often depends on knowledge of the final destination of the flowers. We realize the importance of sharing knowledge. Knowing the preferences of each local market is essential for success.

By regularly visiting our customers worldwide, we are well aware of local conditions, traditions and specific requirements. Discussions with our customers are always open minded. Together we can select the best suitable varieties and discuss the growing conditions, with as final result the best possible quality flowers.

Every year a unique greenhouse forcing trial:

The annual Bulb-in-Bloom Days at the Onings testing greenhouse have long been a highlight for bulb growers, flower growers, exporters and flower traders to judge and compare all available lots and varieties in one complete planting. Visitors from around the world take this unique opportunity to check lot numbers from all growing locations.
From all lot numbers that bulb growers deliver to Onings, 30 bulbs are selected and planted in the testing greenhouse. Around 3000 lot numbers in all possible bulb sizes are flowering, starting April with the Southern Hemisphere bulbs and provide our visitors with a collection of lilies that can not be found anywhere else.

The results of the annual greenhouse test are freely available from our website www.onings.com
欲知年度温室测试结果,请登陆 www.onings.com 网站查询。

花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激

种植英语怎么说 英语种植怎么说

114花卉网(https://www.114hua.com)小编还为大家带来种植英语怎么说 英语种植怎么说的相关内容。

1、plant英[plɑːnt]、美[plænt]vt.种植;培养;栽培。n.植物;作物幼苗;(移植用的)秧苗;营养繁殖苗;(压枝或压条长出的)籽苗插枝;嫩枝,新枝。例句:The trees are planted on the banks.树种植在岸上。

2、grow英[grəʊ]、美[ɡro];vt.使生长;种植;扩展。例句:Chinese farmers grow rice. 中国农民种植水稻。

3、cultivate 英[kʌltɪveɪt]、美[kʌltɪvet];vt.栽培,种植;培育。例句:They hope to cultivate a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defects.他们希望培育出一种新的品种,兼有所有这些优点,而没有缺点。

以上就是114花卉网小编为大家带来的花卉种植基地英语怎么说 请教英语高手翻译如下文字,不胜感激,希望对大家有帮助,了解更多相关资讯请关注114花卉网。更多相关文章关注114花卉网:www.114hua.com

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